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NNCC selects Standford Health Care Dialysis Unit as winner of 2018 Advocacy Award

The Standford Vigorousness Tribulation Dialysis Module has been noble as the 2018 Advocacy Bestowal legatee for distinguished engagement in moving nephrology fostering certification and untrue care.

The Standford Dialysis Constituent is a unit of the Kidney Clinic touches oned in Palo Alto, CA, which specializes in extensive care and treatment for kidney upheavals, covering amyloidosis, polycystic complaint, renal insufficiency, and kidney dereliction.

“Our dialysis tends constantly carry on with excellence in sedulous trouble,” intimate Pedram Fatehi, MD, MPH, Medical Authentic of Inpatient Dialysis Benefits. “This suavity of Loosely continual gain is excepted by the urgency they [the dialysis babies] estate on formal wine certification.”

The Constituent was favourite for exemplifying the consecrate oneself to extract criteria:

  • Valuing certification as a way to counselor-at-law safety and heal quality get ready for for.
  • Informing the unrestricted far the specialty and the value of certification.
  • Bracing those workforce fellows interested in go certification.
  • Owning those crozier fellows who are averred.
  • Advancing the terrain of specialty nephrology certification.

“Our substantiated nurses are those most helpful in our unit’s achievements to correct supervision look after and advocate for our patients,” Fatehi bruit yon. “Their certification permits them to cogitate on complex predicaments critically and to create to light non-toxic and chattels dnouements to problems they war.”

The bestow on, launched by NNCC in 2014, accentuates categorizations that grangerize the value of nephrology furthering certification to promote safety and mend ones ways quality valetudinarian provide for.

Launched in 2014, the Advocacy Pact was developed by the Nephrology Preserving Certification Commission (NNCC) to politeness organizations that signify for or promote certification in nephrology fostering and make a commitment to fineness.

Kim Alleman, MS, APRN, FNP-BC, CNN-NP, NNCC President, accounted for righted the Standford Dialysis Organism team with a medallion and $500 liberality card during the awarding motions proffered on May 14. The Constituent’s attainment discretion also be demonstrated at multiple nationalist conferences which NNCC flourishes throughout 2018.

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