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TOP-10 Free and Low Cost Online Health Courses

TOP 10 Free Online Health Courses

The topic of health and healthcare is more relevant today than ever. Having knowledge in this area is a very useful skill that can be useful in everyday life. In this review, we offer you a list of medical courses, healthcare management degree, healthcare informatics degree and other healthcare courses online that you can take free of charge or with a small fee.

Some other educational programs are available now including healthcare leadership courses, healthcare management courses and healthcare administration degree. It is also very popular today medical billing and coding degree. Most of these you can study online. Thus, if you want to ask how to become a medical coder, for example, the answer is simple – enroll to online courses.


The Johns Hopkins Institute is offering 2 free courses in social health through Coursera. The Social Health Biostatistics Track is a baseline track that explores social health statistics and analytic tools to improve the reading ability of biomedical research statistics and related data.

The Public Health Fundamentals area is also a baseline area that offers a solid foundation when it comes to social health in relation to the mass environment. The main difference between the Johns Hopkins Institute courses on Coursera is the flexible format.

Students have every chance to learn when it fits their schedule and have access to course materials anywhere from a computer, laptop or tablet. The referral is entirely online, and students do not need to attend any classes at the institute in order to complete the referral. Johns Hopkins Institute courses strongly require 10 weeks or less, depending on student preference and own schedule.

2. CDC

If you made a decision to study public health, it does not mean you should go to university. The Department of Surveillance and Precautions, or CDC, provides free online health courses on environmental health for people. The 15 courses presented by CDC encourage students to explore topics ranging from environmental factors that can affect human health to food safety at a professional and personal level.

The main difference of the CDC is its bias towards organization. CDC is not a college or university. The main goal of the CDC is to address public safety concerns. Due to the government’s bias, online courses focus on areas that can impact the lives of people in different settings and places. It strives to provide knowledge to everyone with an interest in health, not to students looking for college or university credit. CDC provides courses through an on-demand system that allows new students andprofessionals to work on their schedule and commitments.


Johns Hopkins students who wish to explore all sorts of topics related to public health can focus on the free courses available at the JHSPH Open. All students have access to nearly all courses that range from animal studies and food bioterrorism to the mass fight against cigarettes and kidding.

You have access to nearly all free online courses that will allow you to focus on areas of study that fit your long-term goals, career and interests. The Johns Hopkins Institute courses at the JHSPH Open differ in that they highlight a comprehensive view of social well-being. The set of courses allows students to learn about all sorts of methods for the impact of social health on the district and the mass surrounding environment.

It is still eager to provide students with a solid foundation for assessing the risks to the well-being and security of the population, which have every chance to appear in a progressive environment. Students are encouraged to divide courses at the Johns Hopkins by topic or collection to facilitate research on topics applicable to social health.


The Doane Institute offers a free online course in social health with a focus on medical informatics technology. This educational center is eager to provide intermediate knowledge that may help students who intend to work in the field of computer science or/and health care. It targets population or large group data rather than personal care because it is used in informatics and health technology.

This program is considered to be a short time gap, which is important for its implementation. Students have every chance to complete the referral in 3 weeks, if they allocate a lot of time. This is a short-term assignment and therefore allows students to finish work when it suits their situation and schedule.

The number of time important for completing the course once a week is 5 to 8-10 hours per week. Students will try to evaluate their schedule to make sure they have time to complete their degree; however, it is a flexible program that allows students to work at their own pace. The Doane Institute’s online social health course allows students to earn a certificate for a small fee.


The Duke Institution provides a free online course in social health with a focus on mass wellness. The direction “Problems of mass health care” is focused on identifying tasks that affect the public on a massive scale. This institute is still eager to qualify the basis of well-being tasks and focuses on conclusions that have every chance to help and prevent future difficulties. The direction is aimed at the mass perspective and the public at large, rather than small groups from within the population for a wider view of social well-being.

The main difference between Duke University is the flexibility of the course. Students have every chance to adjust their own deadlines to fit their own timetable and have the opportunity to work on the course through the online system. Students do not need to attend classes on campus. The all-online program still allows students to work on their own coursework or listen to lectures in any space with an Internet connection. The baseline direction at the Duke Institution strongly requires 10 to 11 hours of lectures and assessments.


The GHLC (Global Health Learning Center) provides free online social health courses to help students achieve their career and learning goals. Social health courses range from cancer prevention to antimicrobial resistance and family planning. Students have a wide variety of courses to choose from without the high cost of learning. The likelihood to explore all sorts of topics ensures that students have access to studies that are likely to contribute to their specific career goals or continuing education.

GHLC excels at offering certification programs as well as personal courses on social health issues. Certificates can help students who wish to pursue careers in social health or neighboring areas by giving them an accurate understanding of the weighty topics that are likely to influence their career intentions. This also gives students access to almost all areas of study related to public wellness and security. The Global Health Learning Center provides USAID Credits for never-ending study in selected online courses.


Harvard Institute offers 2 free online social health courses for students who wish to expand their knowledge or begin to embrace a specific topic. The intermediate direction is dedicated to global well-being, because it is used for quality and security. The direction for young people focuses on the consequences of climate change for the well-being of a person and the population.

All students can take courses for free and focus on achieving their own career goals. Harvard University stands out from other programs with an emphasis on overclocked courses. Students have every chance of completing courses in 7 or 8 months, in fact, which allows them to work at a fast pace.

It also provides flexible online scheduling that allows students to work with personal schedules and learning responsibilities to continue their studies, or learn valuable details that might help them in their careers. Students have a good chance of earning a certificate after completing Harvard’s online courses for a small fee.


The Institute for Health Improvement provides online courses on quality and security for the public. Courses focus on introductory topics that can help students learn the soil they need to understand before moving on to more advanced studies. Intermediate courses focus on targeted discussion topics related to health and population.

The Institute for Health Improvement is distinguished by the fact that it offers translations of teaching materials into French, Spanish and Portuguese. Students have every chance to take courses in the language that they understand better. This gives students with a poor command of British the chance to take a referral and learn the same lessons. The university for improving health care divides lessons into classes of 15-45 minutes, so that it is easier for students to assimilate the course material and learn faster.


The Johns Hopkins Institute offers a free social health referral focusing on the situation of the field of study. The free referral is tied to the historical context of social health as a branch and how it has changed over time to reflect advances in knowledge, medical science, and fresh doctrine.

It also discusses historical ailments, diseases and methods of concluding these problems. The Johns Hopkins Institute stands at home, offering a comprehensive look at the rise of social health measures that improve social protection in progressive life. It longs for students to have an accurate understanding of the changes that have happened over time, and also how the current challenges of public health may well have a direct relationship to historical context and settings.

This provides students with a solid foundation that can help them grasp meaningful discussion topics in the area of social health and protection. The Johns Hopkins Institute’s Public Health Practice is available free of charge from the Apple iTunes store for students to download to their phone or tablet.


Karolinska University provides some free online courses, Introduction to Public Health, which allows students to learn the soil they need to develop their own abilities and knowledge. The direction focuses on differences in well-being outcomes by state and territory. It also explores gender differences and applies an equity perspective to help shed light on significant social health topics.

The main difference between the Karolinska University and others is its accelerated pace. It only takes 6 weeks to complete the course, and students have a good chance of working on classes when it fits their own schedule. It provides an online format that allows learners to watch the course from anywhere.

The direction of Karolinska University does not require any preparatory courses and is specialized for beginners studying social health.

So as you can see, there are a lot of places where you can enroll to healthcare courses online.

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